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Version: 0.10.4


Deploy a Godwoken Network by Using Godwoken-Kicker

Godwoken-kicker is a one-line command to start a Godwoken network on Devnet. This deployment method helps developers deploy Ethereum contracts and quickly migrate Ethereum DApps to CKB Devnet in testing and development environments.

  • RPC URL: http://localhost:8024
  • Chain ID: 1024777

Godwoken-kicker provides a quick mode and a custom mode for deployment.

The quick mode is fast and simple. It executes the builds of all components from pre-built docker images.


  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS



  1. Clone the source of Godwoken-kicker.

    If it is already cloned, skip to the next step.

    $ git clone
  2. Initialize Godwoken-kicker.


    Stop any running Godwoken network by using the make stop command before initializing Godwoken-kicker.

    $ cd godwoken-kicker
    $ make init

    The make init command can be used in the following situations:

    • It is the first time to start the Godwoken network.
    • The deployment mode is changed.
    • The CKB chain data and all layer 1 related cache data are deleted.
  3. Start the Godwoken network.

    The make start command can be used to start the deployed Godwoken network. The make start-f command can be used to force deploy and start a new Godwoken network.

    $ make start

    Do note that after running the make clean command, run make init again if a reboot is desired.


    Building ckb
    Building polyjuice
    Building call-polyman
    Building godwoken
    Building web3
    Starting docker_postgres_1 ... done
    Starting docker_ckb_1 ... done
    Starting docker_polyjuice_1 ... done
    Starting docker_call-polyman_1 ... done
    Starting docker_indexer_1 ... done
    Starting docker_godwoken_1 ... done
    Starting docker_web3_1 ... done

    Run commands to monitor background activities:

    make sg (Godwoken)
    make sp (Polyjuice)
    make web3 (web3)
    make call-polyman (setup service)

    All Jobs Done : [########################################] 100%

    Great! Checkout http://localhost:6100 to deploy contract!

  4. Set up an Ethereum wallet.

    In this example, a MetaMask (an Ethereum Wallet) wallet is set up for the deployment. Add the MetaMask extension in the browser (Firefox, Google Chrome, Brave or Microsoft Edge) and create an account for the wallet.

    If there is a MetaMask wallet ready to be used, skip to the next step directly.

  5. After the Godwoken network has been successfully launched, visit the website http://localhost:6100 and connect the MetaMask wallet by clicking the Connect Wallet button.

      RPC URL=http://localhost:8024
    CHAIN ID=1024777
  6. Deploy an ETH contract to the Godwoken network.

    1. Prepare and compile an ETH contract.

    2. Deposit 400 CKB to the ETH wallet on the ACCOUNTS page of the Godwoken network.
    3. Deploy the ETH contract that you have compiled on the CONTRACT page of the Godwoken network.

For more information about the Godwoken-kicker commands, see godwoken-kicker.

Deploy a Godwoken Network Manually

This deployment method is useful in situations such as deploying a Godwoken network on Testnet or Mainnet.


  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04


The following tools need to be installed before entering the deployment process:

  • Node.js (>=12.0.0)

  • Yarn (version 1.22.5 or above)

  • GCC and make

    To install GCC and make on Ubuntu 20.04, run the following command as root or user with sudo privileges:

    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install build-essential
  • Capsule v0.7.0

  • Docker

    Docker must be installed for building and deploying Godwoken. For more information about Docker installation, see Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu.

    To manage Docker as a non-root user, see the Docker documentation of Manage Docker as a non-root user.

  • Rustc v1.54.0

  • llvm and clang

    sudo apt-get install libclang-dev
  • OpenSSL library

    sudo apt-get install pkg-config libssl-dev
  • Moleculec v0.7.2

    To install Moleculec:

    $ cargo install moleculec --locked --version 0.7.2
  • Tippy

    Tippy is a tool to help set up and manage CKB nodes. For more information, see Install a CKB Node by Using Tippy. The verified Tippy version in this documentation is v0.4.0-rc2.


The current user must have permissions to run ckb-cli, Capsule, Moleculec and docker. If the execution of these tools requires sudo commands, that may cause issues during the deployment process.


  1. Create a CKB account for the deployment.

    The account must have enough CKB capacity for the deployment. For more information about CKB accounts and creating CKB accounts, see CKB Accounts and Capacity.


    mainnet: ckb1qyqpadsep7yruydz5eaulty4xwc2sn6smhashalnjx
    testnet: ckt1qyqpadsep7yruydz5eaulty4xwc2sn6smhas2cpv76
    lock_arg: 0x1eb6190f883e11a2a67bcfac9533b0a84f50ddfb
    lock_hash: 0x499aa230ded32812a246778bc718f4d61a47497c1b7352211d241d2ad333ed75
    pk: 0xca02cc4b8e0e447e243204dd2e16a1692026bfdd4add502b203975999d3a6909

    The account information in this documentation is only used for demonstration. Do not use these private keys, addresses and args elsewhere.

  2. Start the CKB node and the CKB miner.

    1. Launch the Tippy dashboard.

      $ cd tippy-linux-x64
      $ ./Tippy
    2. Launch a CKB devnet if you haven't set up any chain yet and specify the miner with the account prepared for the deployment.

    3. Start the chain and the CKB miner on the Tippy dashboard.

  3. Clone the Godwoken source.

    Open a new terminal window and run the following command to clone the Godwoken source:

    $ git clone --recursive
  4. Deploy an SUDT script to the chain.

    For mor information, see Nervos CKB Docs: Write an SUDT script by Capsule.

    Deploy plan output example:

    $ capsule deploy --address ckt1qyqpadsep7yruydz5eaulty4xwc2sn6smhas2cpv76 --fee 0.0002
    Deployment plan:
    migrated_capacity: 0.0 (CKB)
    new_occupied_capacity: 17390.0 (CKB)
    txs_fee_capacity: 0.0002 (CKB)
    total_occupied_capacity: 17390.0 (CKB)
    - name: my-sudt
    index: 0
    tx_hash: "0x07de15f8afbd4b55e5d11248f4cd9f5195c8d96f171af04e7f727042bb0643c6"
    occupied_capacity: 17390.0 (CKB)
    data_hash: "0xfe2a574febac93ef4da8e716403be072e4703da736676107d68a5e31b682943f"
    type_id: "0x5318897f71a58ca55b6325736b8170d92c49096719db7646427709a890a9eea0"
    dep_groups: []

    Confirm deployment? (Yes/No)
    (1/1) Sending tx 07de15f8afbd4b55e5d11248f4cd9f5195c8d96f171af04e7f727042bb0643c6
    Deployment complete

    The tx_hash and data_hash will be used in the next step to configure the setup-config.json file.

  5. Prepare the following files under the /godwoken/deploy folder.

    • pk: The file stores the private key that is used to deploy Godwoken.


    • scripts-build.json: The file specifies the pre-built docker image of Godwoken and the repositories of the other components like godwoken_scripts, godwoken_polyjuice and clerkb.


      ```json title="/godwoken/deploy/scripts-build.json"
      "prebuild_image": "nervos/godwoken-prebuilds:v0.6.9-rc1",
      "repos": {
      "godwoken_scripts": "",
      "godwoken_polyjuice": "",
      "clerkb": ""

      For more information about the tags of the prebuild_image, see nervos/godwoken-prebuilds.

    • setup-config.json: The file provides configurations for the Rollup.

      • l1_sudt_script_type_hash: The data_hash of the deployed SUDT script.

      • tx_hash (under l1_sudt_cell_dep): The tx_hash of the deployed SUDT script.

      • cells_lock: cells_lock is used to unlock/upgrade Rollup scripts.

      • reward_lock: reward_lock is used to receive challenge rewards.

      • burn_lock: burn_lock is used to receive burned assets that can be unlocked.


        The file must be configured with correct SUDT script to deposit SUDT successfully.


        "l1_sudt_script_type_hash": "0xfe2a574febac93ef4da8e716403be072e4703da736676107d68a5e31b682943f",
        "l1_sudt_cell_dep": {
        "dep_type": "code",
        "out_point": {
        "tx_hash": "0x07de15f8afbd4b55e5d11248f4cd9f5195c8d96f171af04e7f727042bb0643c6",
        "index": "0x0"
        "node_initial_ckb": 1200000,
        "cells_lock": {
        "code_hash": "0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8",
        "hash_type": "type",
        "args": "0x1eb6190f883e11a2a67bcfac9533b0a84f50ddfb"
        "reward_lock": {
        "code_hash": "0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8",
        "hash_type": "type",
        "args": "0x1eb6190f883e11a2a67bcfac9533b0a84f50ddfb"
        "burn_lock": {
        "code_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
        "hash_type": "data",
        "args": "0x"
  1. Set up Godwoken nodes.

    To set up Godwoken nodes:

    $ cd godwoken
    $ RUST_LOG=info cargo +nightly run --bin gw-tools setup -n 2 -k deploy/pk --network devnet --scripts-build-config deploy/build-scripts.json -c deploy/setup-config.json

    This setup command compiles Godwoken scripts, deploys the scripts and layer 2 genesis blocks, and generates configuration files for the Godwoken nodes.

    The deployment requires approximately 10 minutes to complete depending on network connection.

    Output Example:

    2021-11-19T06:22:47Z INFO gw_tools::deploy_genesis] tx_hash: 0x4ec4532a4b8c7d799ef30d36df413f1e4aa05402336a3df53b4f9afa5baf52cd
    [2021-11-19T06:22:47Z INFO gw_tools::utils::transaction] waiting tx 4ec4532a4b8c7d799ef30d36df413f1e4aa05402336a3df53b4f9afa5baf52cd
    [2021-11-19T06:22:52Z INFO gw_tools::utils::transaction] tx proposed
    [2021-11-19T06:22:57Z INFO gw_tools::utils::transaction] tx commited
    [2021-11-19T06:22:57Z INFO gw_tools::setup] Finish
  2. Configure the receiver lock.

    After the setup command is completed, a config.toml file is generated under /godwoken/output/node1 and /godwoken/output/node2, and a scripts-deploy-result.json file is generated under /godwoken/output.

    1. Download the config generator tool and generate the config.json file for the CKB chain.


      The CKB node must be running when executing the generator to generate the config file.

      To generate the config.json file in the project root directory:

      $ ./lumos-config-generator-linux-amd64 config.json
    2. Assign a receiver lock in the node's config.toml file.

      The code_hash of the receiver lock is the CODE_HASH of the SECP256K1_BLAKE160 script from the config.json file.

      The args is the lock args of the deployment cells owner.


      code_hash = '0x9bd7e06f3ecf4be0f2fcd2188b23f1b9fcc88e5d4b65a8637b17723bbda3cce8'
      hash_type = 'type'
      args = '0x1eb6190f883e11a2a67bcfac9533b0a84f50ddfb'
  3. Start the Godwoken nodes.


    The default node mode is fullnode. It can be modified in config.toml to either readonly mode or test mode.

    If the two nodes need to be started within the same environment, manually modify the listening port number in the config.toml file for each node.

    Run the following command to start node1:

    $ RUST_LOG=info cargo +nightly run --bin godwoken run -c output/node1/config.toml

    If an error about the use of unstable library feature is encountered during the process, try the following commands to fix the issue:

    $ cargo install cargo-edit
    $ cargo upgrade --workspace num-bigint
  4. Set up Polyjuice.

    Clone the source of godwoken-examples. For more information, see godwoken-examples.

    $ git clone --recursive

    Then, create an account on Polyjuice. It will take some time to build index for the first time.

    $ cd godwoken-examples
    $ yarn && yarn run build-all
    # export SCRIPT_DEPLOY_RESULT_PATH=<Path to scripts-deploy-result.json>
    $ export SCRIPT_DEPLOY_RESULT_PATH=~/godwoken/deploy/scripts-deploy-result.json
    # export GODWOKEN_CONFIG_PATH=<Path to godwoken config.toml>
    $ export GODWOKEN_CONFIG_PATH=~/godwoken/deploy/node1/config.toml
    $ yarn run copy-configs
    # LUMOS_CONFIG_FILE=<Path to config.json> node ./packages/tools/lib/account-cli.js deposit -c 40000000000 -p <privkey>
    $ LUMOS_CONFIG_FILE=~/config.json node ./packages/tools/lib/account-cli.js deposit -c 40000000000 -p 0xca02cc4b8e0e447e243204dd2e16a1692026bfdd4add502b203975999d3a6909

    For more information about generating the Lumos config file for DEV chain, see Generate the config.json file for the DEV chain.

  5. Start the web3 server.

    1. Create a PostgreSQL instance.

      $ docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_DB=godwoken -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
    2. Clone the source of godwoken-web3.

      $ git clone
    3. Prepare the .env file under /godwoken-web3/packages/api-server.

      $ cd godwoken-web3
      $ cat > ./packages/api-server/.env <<EOF
      ETH_ACCOUNT_LOCK_HASH=<Eth Account Lock Code Hash>
      ROLLUP_TYPE_HASH=<Rollup Type Hash>
      POLYJUICE_VALIDATOR_TYPE_HASH=<Polyjuice Validator Code Hash>
      L2_SUDT_VALIDATOR_SCRIPT_TYPE_HASH=<L2 Sudt Validator Code Hash>
      TRON_ACCOUNT_LOCK_HASH=<Tron Account Lock Code Hash>
    4. Start the web3 server.

      To start the web3 server properly, make sure to clear the postgres database, and then run the migration SQL file to recreate the tables before running the server:

      $ yarn
      $ yarn run migrate:latest
      $ yarn run build:godwoken
      $ yarn run start