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Godwoken V1.6 Release Note

Godwoken is currently updated on a regular basis to provide new features and updates. The following release notes covers the most recent changes in Godwoken v1.6. You can check the full release notes in the Godwoken Changlog.

The latest update to Godwoken v1.6 includes the following changes:

  • feat: add to_address to polyjuice parser in #784

    Added to_address for checking and supporting native token transfers.

  • Support non EIP-155 tx in #777

    Godwoken now supports EIP-155 transactions. Due to the reuse of the chain_id field, if we deploy a different Godwoken implementation with chain_id = 0, then a valid EIP-155 transaction cannot be sent on-chain because Godwoken would assume the transaction as a non-EIP-155 transaction. With this pr, Godwoken accepts layer-2 transactions with chain_id = 0.

  • Validate native token transfer raw tx and signature in #788

    Related to Polyjuice #173, see Polyjuice updates below for details.

  • refactor: remove sentry in #780

  • fix: recover sender of non EIP-155 txs in #790

  • fix(tools): Fix for withdraw cli in #792


Polyjuice is an EVM-compatible executing environment built to work with the Godwoken layer-2 rollup framework, and allows Solidity-based smart contracts to run on the Nervos infrastructure.

Updates in the current release include:

  • feat: support native token transfer in #173

    A handler is added to deal with native token transfers before accessing EVM, and defined a native token transfer transaction as follows:

    • to_id is CONTRACT_CREATOR_ID.
    • only accept call_kind is equivalent to EVMC_CALL.
    • Added to_address to the end of the polyjuice args.
    • to_addrress should not be a contract.
  • feat: Create new account during transferring if the to_address is not registered in #177

    With this pr, a new EoA account will be created during the native token transfer if to_address is not registered. It also fixed a test issue triggered by an update to the account recovered from godwoken.

  • fix: g_gas_price constant is too large for its type in #175

  • test: handle logs hash in post of ethereum tests in #174

  • test: integrate ethereum tests in #172

  • Fix wrong used_gas of native transfer in polyjuice_system_log in #179