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Account-Faucet is a CLI tool for claiming faucets for Godwoken layer-2 accounts. Previously, to claim faucets, you must first visit the Faucet page, enter your CKB account address, then go to the Godwoken Bridge page and deposit those CKBs into your Godwoken layer-2 account.

With the Account-Faucet CLI tool, you can complete these two moves in one-step by simply having your ETH address and your CKB private key ready. The following will show you how to use this CLI tool. Before that, please install Godwoken-Tests in your local environment.

Install Godwoken-Tests

  • Enter the command-line below to install Godwoken-Tests in your local environment, and navigate to the godwoken-tests folder.

    $ git clone
    $ cd godwoken-tests
  • Then, go to the account-faucet folder located in the scripts directory, install the dependencies, and setup the tool.

    $ cd scripts/account-faucet
    $ npm install && npm run build

Claim Faucets for Layer-2 Account

You can claim faucets directly to your layer-2 account by executing the claim-l2 command. This command will calculate your L2 deposit address and then automatically claim faucets for that address, saving you from extra fees or time that might be incurred by operating manually.

Claim Faucets with ETH Address

Use -e or --eth-address to claim faucets for your layer-2 account.

# direct to ~/godwoken-tests/scripts/account-faucet
$ account-faucet claim-l2 --eth-address <ETH_ADDRESS> # replace it with your eth address

Claim Faucets with Privkeys

Use -p or --private-key to claim faucets for your layer-2 account when you only have a private key.

# direct to ~/godwoken-tests/scripts/account-faucet
$ account-faucet claim-l2 --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> # replace it with your privkey

Claim Faucets in Different Networks

You can use the account-faucet CLI tool to claim faucets in the different networks it supports. Networks currently supported are:

  • testnet_v1
  • alphanet_v1

Use -n or --network to claim faucets in different networks.

# direct to ~/godwoken-tests/scripts/account-faucet
$ account-faucet claim-l2 --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --network <NETWORK>

Claim Faucets for Layer-1 Account

You can claim faucets for your layer-1 account by executing the claim-l1 command. This command will automatically claim faucets for your layer-1 account with your privkeys or ckb addresses.

Claim Faucets with Privkeys

Use -p or --private-key to claim faucets for your layer-1 account.

# direct to ~/godwoken-tests/scripts/account-faucet
$ account-faucet claim-l1 -p <PRIVATE_KEY>

Claim Faucets with CKB Address

Use -c or --ckb-address to claim for your layer-1 account.

# direct to ~/godwoken-tests/scripts/account-faucet
$ account-faucet claim-l1 -c <CKB_ADDRESS>

Claim Faucets in Different Networks

Use -n or --network to claim faucets in different networks.

# direct to ~/godwoken-tests/scripts/account-faucet
$ account-faucet claim-l1 --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> --network <NETWORK>

Networks currently supported are:

  • testnet_v1
  • alphanet_v1

Obtain Layer-2 Deposit Address

A Layer-2 Deposit Address is a CKB address. When you transfer your capacity to this particular address, Godwoken will take that away and then give you that capacity on layer-2. The process of transferring capacity to a Layer-2 deposit address is referred to as Deposit.

To get this Layer-2 Deposit Address, you can use the command get-l2-address, which calculates the Layer-2 Deposit Address of your account. Similar to the claim faucet commands above, you can get this address with an ETH address or a privkey.

Obtain Layer-2 Deposit Address with ETH Address

Use -e or --eth-address to get the address.

$ account-faucet get-l2-address --eth-address <ETH_ADDRESS>

Obtain Layer-2 Deposit Address with Privkey

Use -p or --private-key to get the address.

$ account-faucet get-l2-address --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>

Obtain Layer-2 Deposit Address in Different Networks

Use -n or --network to get the address in different networks.

$ account-faucet get-l2-address --eth-address <ETH_ADDRESS> --network <NETWORK>